Zoste: The multi-talented artist who wants to change Makokoba through his work
Zoste’s experience of growing up in a society that has a high crime rate and drug abuse inspired him to become a director of an arts group for kids to change the narrative.
Zoste is a content creator, videographer, YouTuber, director, writer, and teacher who has a passion for arts and social change. He is the founder and director of Zoste Arts Group, a non-profit organisation that teaches kids in Makokoba various forms of arts such as drama, music, dance, and photography.
“I felt I needed to play a part in helping change the township narrative and like they say, the future belongs to the young and so grooming and teaching kids was the best way to save our future,” he said.

Positive Impact
He believes that teaching kids through arts can make a positive impact in their lives by giving them a platform to express themselves, develop their talents, and learn valuable life skills such as entrepreneurship, communication, and teamwork.
Zoste, whose real name is Simbarashe Mabhiza, started his journey as a creator in 2017 when his brother bought him his first ever camera.
“Since then I decided to start shooting from visuals to stills just to sharpen my skill,” he said.
He then launched his own YouTube channel, where he showcases his talent and creativity in various genres and formats.
He also learned how to shoot music videos from LightswakoBulawayo, a renowned videographer in the city. One of his career highlights was working with the Zimhiphop awards, a prestigious event that celebrates the best of Zimbabwean hip hop.

Zoste is also a writer on fundza.com, an online platform that helps push self-publishing authors and writers. He has received great and positive feedback on his short fictional stories, which motivated him to write his first book entitled The Everything Of Nothing, a tragic romantic story.
One of his most notable works is his feature film “Makokoba Untold”, which focuses on drug awareness among children. He said the inspiration behind this film was the headlines that stated that Makokoba feeds ingutsheni with drug addicts. Ingutsheni is a mental hospital in Bulawayo. “I felt I needed to tell a story,” he said. He posted the film on YouTube, where it received great feedback and also gave the kids who acted in it some experience in the acting industry.
Zoste said he hardly sleeps, as he has to balance his work as a content creator, director, writer, and teacher. He sleeps at 1 am and wakes up at 3 am because there is a lot of editing and drafting that happens. He also faces challenges such as lack of equipment and financial constraints, but he tries his best to make other alternatives such as using his phone as a recording device.
Safe Space
He is currently shooting a film called Safe Space, which he hopes will be one of his best works. He said he hopes people will receive it well and learn from it. He plans to release it at the end of December and take it to the film festival for screening.
As a filmmaker, Zoste said he hopes his work can change lives and inspire that one kid in the townships and let them know it’s possible. He also envisions the future of his career and the impact he wants to make through his various artistic endeavours.
“The world knowing and seeing my works is what I am aiming for,” he said.
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