Bulawayo residents demand fair allocation of council properties
Bulawayo residents have demanded fair allocation of city properties such as farms, beer halls, sports bars, shops etc to benefit everyone in the city.
The Bulawayo City Council has been accused of allocating city properties to a select few individuals, leaving out the majority of residents. The residents have called for transparency in the allocation of city properties such as farms, beer halls, sports bars, shops and for the council to prioritise the needs of the residents.

Shorter Terms
According to a resident who spoke in terms of anonymity, BCC must provide a short time frame to those who want to use council properties to give chances to others.
He said, “BCC must give maybe 2 to 3 years time frame to individuals who want to rent out the council so that others also take over. I have seen an individual using council property for over 20 years as if he now owns it.”
He asked, “What criteria is being used for people to get that privilege? We also want to enjoy the privilege as children of this city.”
Higher Rents
Some traders suggested that once someone get the tender leases, he/she should not be given another chance so as to pave way for others.
In 2020, Bulawayo City Council has been leasing its farms for 25 years at cheaper rates which residents suggested it should charge higher rents to improve its budget. Last year most of its tender leases were five year tenure.
Last year, CITE reported that residents were questioning the criteria used by BCC to award tenders and demanded transparency in allocation of tenders.
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