South African government extends ZEP for six months for visa applications.
Zimbabweans living in South Africa sighed relief after the South African government extended the validity of Zimbabwe Exemption Permits (ZEP) to 31 December 2023.
In a press release, Minister of Home Affairs Dr. Pakishe Aaron Motsoaledi announced the extension of the ZEP for an additional six months, allowing its holders to apply for any of the visas and waivers authorized by the Immigration Act.
Immigration Act
“I, Dr PA Motsoaledi, MP, Minister of Home Affairs having, with the powers bestowed upon me in terms of section 31(2)(b), read with section 31(2)(d) of the Immigration Act, decided to extend the validity of Zimbabwean exemption permits issued to Zimbabwean nationals for a further period of 6 months in order to allow the holders thereof to apply for one or other visas and waivers provided for in the Immigration Act, (read with Immigration Regulations, 2014) that they may qualify for, hereby direct that this decision should be implemented as follows, during the further 6 months’ period, starting from 30 June 2023 and ending 31 December 2023,” said Motsoaledi.

Dr Motsoaledi clarified that exemption permit holders cannot be arrested or deported without a valid exemption certificate.
No Arrests
“No holder of a valid exemption permit may be arrested, ordered to depart or be detained for purposes of deportation or deported in terms of section 34 of the Immigration Act for any reason related to him or her not having any valid exemption certificate, that is permit label or sticker in his or her passport,” he said.

He added, “The holder of a valid exemption permit may not be dealt with in terms of sections 29, 30 and 32 of the Immigration Act.”
Enter or Departing SA
In addition, Dr Motsoaledi said that the holder of a valid exemption permit may be allowed to enter into or depart from the Republic of South Africa in terms of section 9 of the Act, read together with the Immigration Regulations, 2014, provided that he or she complies with all other requirements for entry into and departure from the Republic, save for the reason of having an expired exemption permit indicated in his or her passport.

Home Affairs Minister also stated “No holder of exemption should be required to produce a valid exemption certificate/permit or an authorisation letter to remain in the Republic contemplated in section 32(2) of the Immigration Act when making an application for any category of the visas, including temporary residence visa.”
Lastly, Zimbabwean Exemption Permits were supposed to expire on 30 June 2023 which left Zimbabweans living in South Africa hopeless.
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