European Union Emerges as Largest Buyer of Zimbabwean Horticulture Products, with Over €700 Million in Annual Trade
European Union (EU) Ambassador, His Excellency Jobst von Kirchmann, has revealed that the EU is the biggest buyer of Zimbabwean horticulture products, citing over 700 million euros of trade per year.
In an exclusive interview, Ambassador von Kirchmann said that the European Union is the largest buyer of horticulture products due to its systematic support of various value chains, including investments through the European Investment Bank’s credit credit facility.

Trading Partners
“I’m very proud to say that the European Union is the biggest buyer of horticulture programs. And why is it the case because we have systematically supported the different value chains in horticulture, starting from investments through our bank, the European Investment Bank, where we had a credit facility, which gives a long tenure and a low interest rate, something many companies are looking for,” said Ambassador von Kirchmann.
Ambassador von Kirchmann added, “So I could say today we are very proud to be already a very important trading partner with 700 million euros of trade per year.”
He also highlighted the trade agreements in place and the efforts made to support Zimbabwean companies throughout the value chain to facilitate this partnership.

Ambassador von Kirchmann stated, “We have trade agreements in place that allow any Zimbabwean company to export to the EU duty-free, as well as buy machinery and other products from us.”
However, he emphasised that certain products are restricted from entering the EU market to prevent market distortions. Despite this, Zimbabwean companies have a positive trade balance with the EU, selling more to the EU than they buy.
While acknowledging the progress made in trade relations, Ambassador von Kirchmann noted that there is a lack of awareness among many Zimbabwean companies regarding the trade possibilities with the EU. He stressed the need for increased knowledge and understanding, stating that efforts will be made to inform companies about the requirements and procedures for exporting to the EU.
To address this issue, Ambassador von Kirchmann revealed that a trade facilitation program with a budget of €10 million has been established by the EU.
He said, “And also because we are facilitating our programs, the export, what does it mean facilitating it means actually helping the company to fulfil the requirement, but also supporting the governmental services so that they are aware that these products can be freely exported to the European Union.”
This program aims to overcome trade barriers and promote smoother trade between Zimbabwe and the EU. Ambassador von Kirchmann expressed his desire to increase the volume of trade to over €1 billion per year in the near future.
Value Chains
The EU has also prioritised promoting value chains within Zimbabwe, encouraging the localisation of the production process from raw materials to the final product. Investment opportunities have been provided through the European Investment Bank, allowing companies to move further up the value chain and produce refined products.
Additionally, the EU has placed great importance on gender equality and women empowerment in Zimbabwe. Ambassador von Kirchmann highlighted the EU’s commitment to gender equality, with women’s participation being a requirement in 80% of all projects globally. In Zimbabwe, a specific initiative on gender equality and women empowerment has been launched, with an investment of over €200 million.
Ambassador von Kirchmann stressed the significance of women’s involvement in achieving societal prosperity, stating, “If women are empowered and play an active role in society, we can achieve true prosperity.”
EU Commitment
He praised the fertile ground for progress in Zimbabwe and expressed the EU’s commitment to partnering with the government to make gender equality a reality. The EU has been a strong supporter of Zimbabwean companies, investing in various sectors to promote trade and economic growth.
In conclusion, the trade relationship between Zimbabwe and the EU continues to thrive, supported by comprehensive trade agreements and investments. Efforts are being made to raise awareness among Zimbabwean companies about the trade possibilities with the EU, and initiatives are in place to promote gender equality and women empowerment. The EU remains dedicated to further strengthening the trade and partnership between the two entities.
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