Zimbabwe Media Commission Conducts Training on Election Reporting and Peace Journalism in Bulawayo ahead of 2023 Elections
The Zimbabwe Media Commission (ZMC) held a training on election reporting and peace journalism on July 20, 2023, highlighting the need for journalists to be cautious and mindful of their actions during the upcoming elections.
Furthermore, the Executive Secretary of the ZMC, Godwin Phiri emphasized the importance of journalists carrying out their lawful mandate in a responsible and legitimate manner. He urged journalists to report objectively and accurately, without resorting to sensationalism or exaggeration.
“In your case, as long as you have not broken any law this is not a license to then commit other crimes and hide behind being a journalist,” said Phiri. “But if it is about you, that’s not the story. It’s just about your legitimacy in carrying out your genetic way, please inform us of the permission we have. We are talking with top to senior levels of the police force and when we must be contacting each other to ensure that the situation is addressed.”

Press Credentials
Phiri also addressed the misleading notion that journalists can use their press credentials to avoid arrest if they break the law.
“Please don’t hide behind, you can be arrested. And then say, the press jacket. That is not legitimate business,” he said. “And you can’t listen to that jacket that you have there, or depress count. Because a driver’s license, it is not.”
Moreover, the training also touched on the dangers journalists may face while covering the elections, especially in areas with a history of violence or political unrest. Phiri urged journalists to be aware of their surroundings and to make smart decisions about their safety, including when to wear a press jacket.
“Sometimes in other circumstances, it might not be the smartest thing to do,” he said. “Be smart about it. Be aware of where you are. decide what works, what doesn’t work, that’s really up to you.”
Reporting Violence against Journalists
Phiri encouraged journalists to report any incidents of violence or intimidation to the police and to the media commission.
“We want you to talk to us to understand your circumstances fully and not format a use or to say it’s a wonderful story, which was thought it was for fences that we then use to address the situation,” he said.
Lastly, the ZMC’s training comes ahead of Zimbabwe’s elections, scheduled for August 23, 2023. Journalists in Zimbabwe have faced challenges in the past, including harassment, arrests, and violence. The media commission’s training aims to equip journalists with the skills and knowledge to report safely and accurately during the elections.
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