Divine Love Humanitarian Services: Empowering Underprivileged Families in Bulawayo
Leepson Moyo, the founder of Divine Love Humanitarian Services, has been working tirelessly to improve the living conditions of destitute families in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province. His organization focuses on reducing homelessness and promoting livelihood development of underprivileged families in the region.
Moyo’s passion for serving the impoverished community compelled him to establish the charity organization in 2021.
“The economic challenges faced by destitute families motivated me to start this organization. I wanted to make a difference in their lives,” says Moyo.
The Divine Love Humanitarian Services collaborate with several organizations, including the Lady Rose Foundation, to offer training and support to the communities they serve. One of their recent workshops focused on menstrual health management training, where they taught women and girls how to make reusable pads.
Vulnerable Women & Girls
Moyo explains that the program aimed to help vulnerable women and girls who have limited access to affordable and dignified menstrual management solutions.
“The training focused on imparting skills and knowledge on how to make reusable sanitary pads. We wanted to empower women and girls to take control of their menstrual health management and even create a source of income for their livelihood,” says Moyo.
The workshop proved to be beneficial, but Moyo admits that it was not without its challenges. “During the first day, participants had a challenge grasping the concept, but with thorough assessment, it was easy to follow through,” he says. The program equipped the participants with adequate skills to make reusable sanitary pads for their own use and livelihoods.
Moyo believes that the importance of possessing skills such as making reusable sanitary pads cannot be overstated, and he hopes to see every woman and girl being able to produce them for their own use and income generation.
Self-Reliance & Inclusion
With a focus on resource mobilization, research, and capacity building, the Divine Love Humanitarian Services aim to foster self-reliance and promote inclusive and quality programming to improve the standard of living for destitute families. The organization targets persons with disabilities, child-headed families, the elderly, and other vulnerable groups.
In addition to the menstrual health management program, the Divine Love Humanitarian Services are working on establishing sustainable accommodation and providing microfinance loans to support sustainable business projects that can reduce poverty.
Additionally, Moyo is grateful for the support he has received from the Director for Cillars Conference Centre P. Mabhena, and others who have helped him establish and run the charity organization.
“The support of the community and various organizations has been marvelous. We appreciate the donations we receive and hope to continue to serve and uplift underprivileged families in the region,” Moyo says.
Beyond Resource Mobilization
The Divine Love Humanitarian Services’ programs extend beyond resource mobilization to include housing development and delivery services, economic strengthening, and livelihood development.
“Our objective is to establish sustainable accommodation and appropriate support solutions in order to reduce homelessness among destitute families and reduce widespread poverty through vocational training and skills development,” explains Moyo.
Lastly, through Divine Love Humanitarian Services, Leepson Moyo is transforming lives and offering a glimmer of hope to destitute families in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province. His commitment to empowering those in need is a testament to the power of our shared humanity.
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Great work done by the organization under such difficult conditions