Boer Goat Farming Zimbabwe
Mech Day Mukombe, a successful Boer goat farmer, explains that raising goats can be a profitable business, but it also has its challenges. Despite the hardships, she and her husband Peter Mukombe have become experts in the field and have been called upon to share their knowledge and expertise with others.
The Boer goat, originally from South Africa, has become a popular breed in Zimbabwe, and Mukombe is one of the most successful farmers in her area. Their farm, Vodloza Boer goats, is located in Umguza Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. They have been raising goats for several years and have built up an impressive operation. Their Boer goats are well-fed, well-cared-for, and always healthy.

Hard Road
However, it hasn’t always been an easy road. Mukombe explains that while raising goats is lucrative, it requires proper training and precautions to avoid losses and disease outbreaks. That’s why she and her husband have taken the time to learn everything they can about goat farming, attending seminars and receiving training on different aspects of the business. She said they faced losses due to disease outbreaks, which is a common problem for many farmers. Mukombe stressed the importance of proper training and support to overcome these issues.
Through their hard work and dedication, they have overcome many of the obstacles that come with raising goats, such as diseases and unpredictable climatic conditions. Mukombe notes that in addition to their training, they have a team of veterinarians who help them monitor their goats’ health, ensuring they always remain in tip-top shape.”If you want to start boer goat farming ypu need training and support to keep your goats healthy,” she said. “If we can identify the disease early, we can save our goats and prevent the spread of the disease.
Quality Feed
We also need access to good quality feeds and supplements to ensure the goats are getting all the nutrients they need.”Mukombe and her husband, Peter Mukombe, have been called to visit other farms to teach farmers how to raise boergoats successfully. They are passionate about sharing their knowledge and experience with others to help them overcome the challenges of raising these goats.Their son, Tamuka Mukombe, who helps with the farm work, explained that they feed the goats twice a day with a mixture of grains and other supplements. After feeding, they let the goats graze on the grazing lands until 5 pm when they bring them back to their pens. “Most of them we feed them, then we let them out.

No Rain
The feed is just like an extra supplement when there is no rain. We normally feed the rams and young ones so that they grow more,” Tamuka said.The Mukombes’ farm, Vodloza Boer goats, is well known for producing high-quality Boer goats that weigh between 75kgs to 115kgs. They sell their goats for $400 if its a ram, and $300 if its a female. They said the demand for their products is high because of their quality.
Despite the challenges of raising Boer goats, Mukombe is firm in her belief that the rewards outweigh the risks. She is proud of her profession and encourages others to venture into the business. “Farming makes money but it costs money so you have to spend money to make money. It is not an easy business, but it is very rewarding,” Mukombe said.
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